NEW Interview Meredith Kessler, Professional Triathlete and 11X IRONMAN® Champion

Facebook Lives

Facebook Live: June 16, 2021

In this new video, viewers can catch up with Master Spas brand ambassador Meredith Kessler, who is a professional triathlete and 11-time IRONMAN® Champion. Kessler hops in the swim spa with Ben and Mari to talk about racing triathlons and how she incorporates a swim spa into her training.

Kessler first began swimming in an H2X Challenger 15D in 2020, amid the pool shutdowns. It allowed her to maintain a feel for the water, as well as get in much needed "chi" swims.

But swimming in the swim spa was more than just getting in "and doing the work."" Kessler utilizes the swim spa to its full potential, using it for swim drills, adding pool mirrors, and spending time with family.

A lifelong athlete, Kessler was on the swim team in her youth. Still, she calls herself a "scrappy swimmer."" Swimming in the Challenger affords her the opportunity to focus on form, count strokes, and improve her cadence. Pool mirrors provide instant feedback and help to prevent crossover.

In addition, she will swim longer workouts in the swim-in-place pool. It's a form of meditation for her.

In this live chat, Kessler also shares other tips for using the Challenger, including how to swim with a snorkel.

Learn more about Meredith Kessler: