Your chill guide to fall maintenance

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Facebook Live: October 27, 2021

Master Spas units are designed to be easy to use and easy to maintain. But owning a hot tub or swim spa does require maintenance. In this video, Ben and Mari share a fall maintenance checklist so that you can enjoy your spa throughout the colder months. Plus, Ben and Mari answer viewers' questions about water care, installation, and covers.

Your Master Spas owners manual details how to take care of your spa. While you might add chemicals and a shocking treatment each week, a change in seasons all maintenance to-do list for spa owners

Water change. Draining and refilling your spa is important for keeping the water clean. In addition, it can help protect your spa from unwanted damage. Master Spas recommends

Clean and replace filters. When was the last time you replaced your hot tub filters? If you don't know, it's time to swap out the old ones for a new set. Filters are vital to clean, clear water. You should replace them every year, depending on how often you use your spa.

Swap out your EcoPur Charge core. The orange core is “charged” with minerals, including copper and zinc. Over time, these minerals are depleted and the core is less effective. Master Spas owners should anticipate replacing the core every six months.

Spray down your cabinet. The cabinet of your Master Spa is made from a durable material that is easy to clean. You can spray it down with a garden hose or use a wet cloth.

Clean your spa cover. If you want to clean your spa cover, be sure to use a cleaner made for marine-grade vinyl.